Sunday, June 15, 2014

Welcome Back!

With all the new forms of social media taking the world by storm in the past half decade, it seems that blogging is a trend on decline. However, I am convinced that words (coupled with appropriate usage of images) are still the best medium to translate a thought or an emotion. That is why I am back on this platform after a 3-years hiatus.

I was a semi-active blogger last time. I had lots of words and pictures to share with my readers what's going on with my daily life. Then, blogging to me was like writing a biography for myself. There's nothing wrong really wrong with that, except that nobody cares to know what you eat, where you go, what you do, who did you hang out with etc unless you are a celebrity (or at least a semi-celebrity).

Now, I have a new view on blogging. It is a platform for me to share my thoughts, emotions and knowledge. I will still post about some interesting happenings, but will focus more on what's going through my mind. This will be a bridge to connect you to my inner-self, and therefore knowing me better. I may also do some reviews on interesting places, events, items or movies.

With that, welcome back to blogging.

-The god has spoken

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