My wrist was in pain since last week, and it worsened today, so I decided to get it treated. As it was almost 10pm by the time I end work and go home, the General Practioners (GPs) that I knew were all closed, so I went to Khoo Teck Puat Hospital's A&E department.
The waiting area was crowded with patients. Despite so, I didn't wait too long for my registration. I was told to wait before the triage for my turn. Being the "kiasu"* guy, I waited at the front row of seats. While waiting for my turn, I saw many other patients with way more serious conditions than mine. I even managed to hear some of them when they explained to the staff about their condition. A man in his 50s got his toe smashed by a 10kg rock. An old lady got a fish bone stuck in the throat. A middle-age man scalded himself with boiling water. Another old lady was vomiting as she was explaining her condition.
I suddenly felt ashamed that I was wasting time and resources for such a minor condition. As if it wasn't enough, a screen at my 2 o'clock direction read something like "Non-emergency cases take up time for the emergency cases". I almost wanted to cancel my request, but my $108 receipt held me back.
I waited for less than an hour before it was my turn to see the doctor. After explaining to the doctor my condition, she told me that it should be just a strain, but recommended me to take x-ray just to be sure. After getting my wrist x-rayed, the doctor assured me that there wasn't any fracture or whatnot. I went over to the pharmacy to collect my medicine before I head back home. Before I left, I turned back and looked at the waiting area. The waiting area was the same as when I entered - crowded with patients.
Dear readers, please be considerate. Do not misuse the A&E department of a hospital. There are patients in great pain waiting to see the doctor. If your condition is not that serious, visit any polyclinics or GPs near you. If they are closed, try to endure if you can. Imagine yourself being the one who is in serious pain, but your consultation got pushed back by people with minor conditions. How will you feel? So let me reiterate my point, DO NOT misuse the A&E department. A simple act like this will help to let those in pain to get attended to faster.
*kiasu - afraid of losing out
-The god has spoken
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